Old & Rare Religious Books No Longer For Sale about British-Israelism
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In addition to these books on British-Israelism, there are many other books not for sale (too numerous to fit on one page):
1.) British-Israelism
Bible Research, foreword by Sir Errol Manners, 1946, 761pp.
Many illustrations, charts, photos. The migrations of the lost ten tribes
as well as Canaanites, Assyrians, Edomites Hittites etcetera. The Hebrew
origin of English. Israelite heraldry in Anglo-Saxon countries. Archaeological
significance of Moabite Stone, Black Obelisk, Behistun Rock, etcetera. Many
fulfilled prophecies against Tyre, Egypt, Israel, etcetera Seven times or
2520 years. Many other scholarly subjects. The best single book on British-lsraelism.....................................$114.15.
British Israel Bible Notes by J. Ball, 1907, 497pp.
From Genesis to Revelation all the scriptures that directly pertain to British Israel doctrine are given with very informative commentary. Rare book...............$74.55.
Fullness of the Nations by H. Aldersmith, 1945, 192pp.
A high-quality photocopy of the original 192-page book that explains the promises given to the house of Israel. Whered are the ten tribes? "A Company of Nations." Possession of the land. Birthright blessings. Distinction between Jews and Israel. Israel did not return to Palestine. Blessings must be fulfilled in Israel before Millenium. Increased and Multiplied. In the land of the north "as the sand of the sea." My Servant. My Witnesses. My Chosen. Divorced Wife Redeemed by Christ. Jews left "few in number." North and West from Palestine. Isles of the Sea. Isles afar off. The Gate of His Enemies. Kymri, Sakai, Scuths. "Seven Times." "dwell alone." Prayer Book. Charts and pictures....................................................................$28.80
Heritage of the Anglo-Saxon Race by M.H. Gayer, 1941, 144pp.
Charts. Migrations of Israel. Royal House of David. Eleven characteristics
of Israel fulfilled in the British. Heraldry of British-Israel. Much more.
29" x 39" color chart created from eight 11x17 color copies of the original
and taped together $20.00 extra......................................................................................................$21.60.
A Peculiar People by H.E. Proctor, 1930, 351pp.
The Family and Tribes. A Nation and Two Kingdoms. The Kingdom Scattered. The Messiah. The Appointed Place. The Church of Britain Attackesd. The Kingdom Gathered......................................................................................................................................................................................................................$52.65
God in His Earth by Arthur Pritchard, 1919, 152pp
The Golden Age of the Past. The Kingdom on Earth. Where is the Kingdom of Heaven? Benjamin's Role in History. Cumulative Evidence. Much more..........$22.80
Revelation Fulfilled In History by Basil Stewart, 1934, 174pp.
A foreview of European History, secular and ecclesiastical, from 96 A.D. to the present. Twenty-two chapters and three tables.............................................$26.10
The Divine Calendar: a six-volume commentary on the Book of Revelation by Augusta Cook
Volume 1: The Seven Seals, 1914, 249pp. ch.4-7
chapters 4-7 ................................................................................................................................................................................................................$37.35
Volume 2: The Seven Trumpets, 1909, 303pp. ch.8-11
chapters 8-11................................................................................................................................................................................................................$45.45
Volume 3: The Seven Vials (part 1), 1911, 319pp. ch.12-14
chapters 12-14 .............................................................................................................................................................................................................$47.85
Volume 4: The Seven Vials (part 2), 1913, 394pp. ch.15-16
chapters 15-16 ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................$59.10
Volume 5:The Seven Vials (part 3), 1918, 429pp. ch.16-22
cchapters 16-22 ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................$64.35
Volume 6: The Seven Golden Candlesticks, 1924, 590pp. ch.1-3
chapters 1-3 .................................................................................................................................................................................................................$88.50
By Way of the East by Augusta Cook, 1908, 232pp.
Illustrated. General Impressions of Palestine and Egypt; Victoria to Cairo; Pyramids of Gizeh; Treasures of Egypt; Jaffa to Jerusalem; The Holy City; On the Summit of Olivet; The Temple Area; Via Dolorosa, or the Way of Sorrows; To Bethany and Down to Jericho; Bethlehem; To Hebron and the Plain of Mamre; Through Samaria; Mount Carmel, the Plain of Esdraelon, and the Battlefield of Armageddon; Nazareth; Lake of Galilee; Over the Lebanon to Damascus; Baalbec; Smyrna and Ephesus -- a Contrast; Through the Dardanelles to Constantinople; Through the Greek Archipelago and Homeward Bound ....................................................................................................................................................................................... $34.80
The Story Of The Light That Never Went Out by Augusta Cook and W. Stanley Martin, 1903, 586pp
Illustrated. How The Light Came; How the Darkness Came; Parting of the Ways; The Venerable Bede, and Other Famous Men; England's Greatest King; William the Conqueror and the Norman Period; Gathering Shadows; Midnight; England's Bulwark, Or The Foundation of Liberty Laid; Monks and Friars With Shaven Crowns; How The Lamp Was Kept Buring; Thomas Bradwardine, the Man Who Trimmed the Lamp; Robert Longland, the Man Who Dreamed A Dream; John Wycliffe; The Lollards; Chariots of Fire; The Fifteenth Century; Preparation For The Reformation; How The English Reformation Began; Two Great Discoveries and What Came of Them; The Much-Married Monarch; William Tyndale; The Martyr's Prayer Answered; The English Josiah; Dark Days; "Latimer's Light Shall Never Go Out"; England's Greatest Archbishop; "Of Whome The World Was Not Worthy"; Daughters of The King; Lambs In The Flock Of Slaughter; Why The Martyrs Suffered; Martyr's Memorials; John Foxe; What Might Have Been; Brighter Days; The Jesuits; "Bonnie Queen Bess"; The Invincible Armada; Martyrs or Murderers -- Which?; Gunpowder, Treason and Plot; An Old Time Ritualist; The King and Parliament; "Old Noll"; Puritan England; "The Merry Monarch"; The Tinker Of Bedford; The Stuart Schemer; Bishops Of The Right Sort; The Glorious Revolution; Protestantism Ascends The Throne; The Light In The Eighteenth Century; The Victorian Era -- The World's Greatest Empire; "Thy Kingdom Come." ....... ................................................................... ........................................................................................ .................................................................................. $87.90
The Sign Post by Davydd, 100pp.
Promises in Genesis, History, the Coronation Stone, Prophetic Chronology, Great Pyramid, Prayer Book, Manasseh the 13th Tribe, the Lost Chapter of Acts, Royal Arms of Great Britain all point in one direction like a sign post that Britain is Israel...........................................................................................................$15.00
Who Are We? and What is our Mission? by J. Thornhill Harrison, 1887,
With seven maps. Traces the dispersion of mankind: Japheth, Ham and Shem
in detail. Then concentrates on the lost ten tribes of Israel as the Phoenicians,
Greeks, Medes, Persians, Parthians, Bactrians, Scythians, Aryans, Sacae,
Goths, Huns, Danes, Germans, then Anglo-Saxons. Much more also...........$30.30
The Title Deeds of Egypt, Palestine and Arabia by H.A. Edwards 38pp.
What does the Bible say about who owns Palestine, Egypt and Arabia? ...........................................................................................................................$5.70
Miracles of History by David Davidson, 1947, 256pp.
Eleven charts, maps or illustrations. Uses the Great Pyramid of Gizeh Egypt
as a prophetic oracle related to the British nation........................................$38.40
Israel's Racial Origin and Migrations by W.H. Fasken, 1934, 98pp.
Was Abraham of the Aryan, Nordic race? Mediterranean, Alpine and Nordic
peoples of Europe analyzed. Israel's migra- tions. Israel in Greece, Asia
Minor, Central Asia, Spain, Ireland, Europe, the Goths, Britain...........................................................................................................................................................$14.70
Seven Times by H.W. Wadge, 1929, 146pp.
2520 years punishment for Israel and Judah as fulfilled in history. Detailed
chart of Great Pyramid................................................................................$21.90
Evolution of Israel by Capt. B. de W. Weldon, 1650?, 405pp.
The ten lost tribes traced from Palestine throughout history under their
various names describing their accomplishments and battles till their arrival
in Britain...................................................................................................................................................................................................................$60.75
Lost Tribes by George Moore M.D., 1861, 423pp.
Illustrations. The Afghans, the Buddhists and the Sakai; the doctrines of
Sakya Buddha. The Israelites in India. An engraving at Sachi portrays a
lion and antelope under the Union Jack shield with stars to one side and
a Union Jack flag to the other and trident over 2000 years old.....................................................$63.45.
God in British History by Arthur Pritchard, M.A., 1917, 92pp.
Place of Exile; Place of Security; Romans in Britain; Britons in Rome; Saint
Paul in Briton and Rome; The coming of the Saxons, Danes, Normans, British
Characteristics; the Symbols; God in History; Royal Bloodstreams and chart................................................................................................................$13.80.
Our Descent From Israel by Hew B. Colquhoun, 1940, 254pp.
Migrations from Egypt and Canaan; Taken to Media; Did not Return; Saxons
found where Israel lost; Druids were Levites- Paul visited Britain; Dan
traced to Ireland; Place Names and tombstone inscriptions; Baal Worship;
English language came from Hebrew; British not Teutonic; David's Throne
to Ireland; Israelite customs and heraldry; Weights and Measures- Craniology,
Physiognomy and Etymology; Blind Evidence; Prophecies...........................................................................$38.10.
Britain in Prophecy & History by P.W. Thompson, 1943, 280pp.
The Seven Times; The Promises; The Lollards, Puritans, Anglicans and the
Deliverer; John Wesley and the Methodists- Inscriptions; Prophetic fulfillment
literal; Alfred the truth-teller...................................................................................................................................................................................................$42.00.
Our British Ancestors by Samuel Lysons, M.A., F.S.A., 1865, 555pp.
Place-names in Britain having a Hebrew Celtic origin. British customs derived
from the east. A glossary of English words apparently derived from the Hebrew,
Chaldee or Syriac. Much more also.........................................................................................................................................................................$83.25.
Ephraim England by Robert Douglas, 1886, 215pp.
England the recipient of the Abrahamic Covenant Promises; Jew-Israel theory
refuted. The stone that became a mountain; Language and Physiognomy. Much
more also...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................$32.25.
The World's Greatest Throne by John S. Fox, 1949, 56pp.
Many drawings and pictures. Ephraim to be gathered in the isles afar off.
The Covenant to David. Jeremiah and the King's daughters. The Stone of Destiny.
The Coronation Ceremony. The King's Bride. The Stone fills the whole earth.......................................................................................................................$8.40.
Heaven's Magnet For A World Conquest by Melvin E. King, 1916, 317pp.
Odin's geneology; World's Gateways; "Paddy am a Canaanite"; Spanish Armada;
Battle of Quebec; Anglo-Saxons guide the world; Stone of Destiny; Wealth;
Baal; Colonizers; Huge population; Many quotations of the Kaiser; much more
Suggestions On Ancient Britons by G.D. Barber A.M., 1854, 288pp.
Pythagoras accredited with the origin of Druidism; Welsh descendants of
Cymry; Cymry noticed on the sculptures of Nineveh; Hebrew Origin of British
words; Samnites; Idols; Celt and Gaul the same; Cymry in Dacia; Mistletoe
and Druids; The Oak. Much more.........................................................................$43.20.
Our Great Heritage by W.T.F. Jarrold, 1927, 360pp.
Many illustrations. Israel punished. Anglo-Saxons the fifth kingdom to fill
the whole earth and shall never be destroyed. Balaam's Blessings. A place
for my people - an island. Prayer Book. Ancient symbols on British coins.
Tribe of Dan. Flag. Customs. Traditions. Nursery Rhymes, Games. Ephraim
and Manasseh. Palestine will be resettled by Israel. Tamar Tephi in Ireland.
King David's royal line. Stone of Israel. Druidism. Paul in Britain. Great
God's Covenant Man -- British Israel by Prof. E. Odlum, 1916,
Eating up the
earth. Dan the judge and pioneer. Argonautic Expedition. The stone kingdom
and stone pillar. English compared with Hebrew language. Hebrew and Assyrian.
Great events in history. Promises, prophecies and covenants concerning
Britain. New Testament.................................................................$45.75.
Great Britain
& The U.S.A. Revealed as Israel The New Order by A.J. Ferris, 1941,
Many Diagrams and Illustrations. The Promises Contained In The Abrahamic
Covenant -- Israel To Become a Great and Mighty Commonwealth of Nations.
How Israel Migrated From Palestine To Britain. The Warning of Dispersion
and Chastisement For "Seven Times." How "Seven Times"
Equals 2,520 Years. Application of 2,520 Years to Captivity Dates of Israel,
Jerusalem and Judah. The Spread of Anglo-Saxon Dominion. Daniel 2 Foretells
Four Gentile Empires During Israel's "Seven Times" Chastisement,
At the End of Which Israel Would Emerge A Victorious World-Wide Empire.
The Seal of the United States Verifies Identity of that Great People As
Manasseh. British Royal Coat of Arms Verifies the Identity of the Commonwealth
As Ephraim. House of Israel Was To Become A New Covenant or Christian
People. The Symbolism of the Union Jack or Union of Jacob. What Does It
Matter if We Are Israel? ...................................................................$9.30.
The British Commonwealth & The United States Foretold in The
Bible by A.J. Ferris, 1940, 96pp.
diagrams and pictures. Are the Jews the 12 tribes of Israel? Are the U.S.
and British Joseph? Geographic isolation. Numerical strength. Military
prowess. Blessings of the sea. Mineral wealth. Primary products. The blessings
of heaven. The purpose of making Israel great - to bless all families
of earth.............$14.40.
From Russia -- How It Will Come by A.J. Ferris, 1947, 91pp.
Many Illustrations. The Third World War. Russia Will Be The Aggressor.
The Attacked Will Be Anglo-Saxondom -- the modern "Sheba and Dedan,
and the Merchants of Tarshish." But the People to be Attacked by
Russia are The Lost Tribes of Israel who Must Therefore be Britain and
America. The Battleground is to be the "land of Israel." This
Means the Lands of Anglo-Saxondom. How Russia Will Invade Anglo-Saxondom.
By Air and Land. Strategy Points to the United States as the Number One
Objective. How Much Anglo-Saxon Territory Will Russians Conquer Before
Being Checked? How and When Deliverance Will Come. The Effect of the Call
of Anglo-Saxondom to God -- on the Russians, on the Nations of the World,
and on the Anglo-Saxons Themsellves. Jews Are Not Israel; Palestine Not
Battleground of Armageddon. Report of the Royal Commission on Espionage
in Canada....................................................................................................$13.65.
The Book of Revelation by A.J. Ferris, 1940, 184pp.
Many diagrams
and pictures with commentary on each chapter of Revelation from British-Israel
The Great Tribulation
-- Past, Present or Future? by A.J. Ferris, 1941, 72pp.
illustrations; How the prophecy came to be made (Matt. 24:3); General
characteristics of the period of Christ's absence; The signs of his return
-- the Great War of 1914-1918 and the worldwide preaching of the Gospel;
The sign of the destruction of Jerusalem; Difficulties arising out of
Christ's application of the prophecy of the unique tribulation to the
A.D. 66-70 desolation of the Holy City; Great Tribulation is the whole
period of treading down Jerusalem by Gentiles from A.D. 70 to the 1917
generation; How does this interpretation harmonize with the "time
of trouble" in Daniel 12:1-2 which seems to associate the Tribulation
with the end of the age?; Christ's detailed description of the Great Tribulation
confirms the above solution; Great Tribulation referred to in Revelation
7:14 and proves it is the period when the Gospel is taken from Jews and
given to Gentiles (including the Gentilized House of Israel). The present
world situation in light of these conclusions..........$10.80
When Russia
Bombs Germany by A.J. Ferris, 1940, 80pp.
Second World War Foretold in Revelation 16:12-21; The three groups
symbolized by Babylon, Kings of the East and the River Euphrates; Who
is Mystery Babylon of Revelation 17 and 18 who is to be destroyed in the
present war? How the decay of the Turkish Empire meant the ultimate doom
of Roman Catholic Europe; Is Russia the Kings of the East? (Rev. 16:12)
who will destroy Continental civilization?; Planes foretold in the Bible;
Methods by which Russia will destroy Rome-Berlin axis; Role of British
and U.S.; An Exodus and Red Sea deliverance for Anglo-Saxon nations followed
by dedication to God; Deliverance of Jews from Anti-Semitic Europe and
rebuilding of New Covenant "Temple of God" in Anglo-Saxon Israel;
Bible solution to Post-War problems......................................................................$12.00.
Armageddon Is At The Doors by A.J. Ferris, 1942, 64pp.
Illustrated. The Sign of the Deliverance of Jerusalem in 1917. The Sign of the Palestine Campaign of 1917/18 as Foretold by the Prophets Obadiah, Isaiah and Joel. The Sign of the Exodus of the Jews from Europe since 1917, their Return to Palestine and Migration to Anglo-Saxon Lands. The Sign in Joel 2 of the Present-day physical Restoration of the Land of Palestine. The Final Battle For World Dominion. The Atheistic Communist World will Attack the Merchant Race of Anglo-Saxon Israel. What Will Happen when the Armies of "Gog" Advance Upon Palestine? ......................... .................. .............. ............ ............. .......... ....$9.60
The Coronation and The Throne of David by A.J. Ferris, 1937, 92pp.
Everlasting Throne of David. Symbolism of the Coronation Ceremony. Transfer of David's Throne to Britain. History of Jacob's Stone and Westminster Abbey. Claims of Jesus Christ to David's Throne. ................................................................................................................................................................................$13.80
Germany's Doom Foretold by A.J. Ferris, 1942, 48pp.
Who are Anglo-Saxons and Germans in Bible? Birth of Esau and Jacob. Struggle for birthright. The historic enmity between Israel and Judah and the surrounding nations of Edom, Moab, Ammon, Philistia and Tyre. The axis nations and their destruction. Full retribution on Germany for all her atrocities. The glorious destiny of Anglo-Saxons....................................................$20.00
The Three-Headed Eagle by A.J. Ferris, 1944, 96pp.
Illlustrated. Second Esdras Text about Eagle. The Eagle Represents the Fourth Empire of Rome. Twelve Large Wings and Eight Little Wings. Transition From Pagan to Holy Roman Empire. Three Heads of the Eagle. German Emperors, French Kings and Papacy. Judgment and Destruction of Eagle. Roaring of the Anglo-Saxon Lion. Much more .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................$14.40
What's Wrong With The Churches? -- And the Remedy by A.J. Ferris, 1946, 129pp
The Rise of the Roman Catholic Church. Exit of Liberty and Democracy and Entrance of Bondage and Totalitarianism. Disintegration of the Church of Rome. Rise of the Reformed and Free Churches. Not Reunion by Amalgamation but Exodus from Romanism. Genuine Christians will come out of Sects. Conflict with Russia will force Anglo-Saxons out of Sects. How to know if your Church Is Sectarian. Don't Forsake Assembling Together. Marks of a Model New Testament Church. Exodus From Babylonian Doctrine. Rescuing Bible From Greek Philosophy and Textual Corruptions. Integrating local Churches with the Universal Church. Conclusion.......................................$19.35
Elijah the Prophet Is Nigh At Hand by A.J. Ferris, 48pp.
The promise of the coming of Elijah the prophet never yet fulfilled in history, yet the New Testament writers applied the "Elijah" prophecies to John the Baptist. But the Baptist did not fulfill this prophetic role of Elijah the Prophet fully. Since there are two advents of the Messiah, there must also be two advents of "Elijah." The three sets of twin prophecies concerning John and Jesus, made at their conceptions and births, were not fulfilled at the first advent, but will be at the second. More also.................................................................................................................................................$7.20
The Conflict of Science and Religion by A.J. Ferris, 60pp.
The Teaching of the Church on the Creation of the Universe and of Man, from Genesis 1 and 2. The Challenge and Destruction of this interpretation of Genesis by the modern Discoveries of Geography, Geology, and Archaeology. The Theory of Evolution steps into the Breach. Results of the Challenge of Scientific Knowledge and of the Theory of Evolution. Age of Earth. Antiquity of Man. Origin of New Species. More.
Commentary on Book of Isaiah by L.G.A. Roberts, 1931, 177pp.
Commentary on each chapter of Isaiah from British-Israel viewpoint................................................................................................................................$26.55.
Studies in Jeremiah by L.G.A. Roberts, 1926, 135pp.
Commentary on each chapter of Jeremiah from British-Israel viewpoint............................................................................................................................$20.25.
Studies in Ezekiel by L.G.A. Roberts, 1926, 108pp.
Commentary on each chapter of Ezekiel from British-Israel viewpoint..............................................................................................................................$16.20.
Israel in the Book of Revelation by L.G.A. Roberts, 1911, 232pp.
Commentary on chapters one through fourteen of the book of Revelation from
British-Israel viewpoint...................................................................................$34.80.
British History Traced From Egypt And Palestine by L.G.A. Roberts,
1927, 173pp.
Maps and illustrations.
Hebrew Epitaphs in Crimea. Israel in India. Hebrew roots in English Danai
in Greece Liaurians...........................................................$25.95.
Druidism in Britain,
A Preparation For the Gospel by L.G.A. Roberts, no Copyright, 22pp........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................$3.30
Russian Chapters of Ezekiel by W.M.H. Milner, 1923, 64pp.
Diagram and map. Gog, Magog, Rosh, Meschech and Tubal................................................................................................................................................$9.60
Russia Japhet by Oxonian, 1890, 232pp.
Maps. The promise to Japeth. The Sea of Ashkenaz. Iapetus. Assyrians in
Germany. King Odin. Slavs. Poles. Muscovites are Meschech. Siberia Tubal.
Bulgaria Tubal. Magog Mongolia. Turks Edom. Mount Tagharma in central Asia.
Some Turks claim to be sons of "Yapit". Rosh aristocrasy from Benjamin.
Much more..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................$34.80
Israel's Wanderings by W.M.H. Milner (Oxonian), 1892, 156pp.
Maps. Dan at
Troy. Heracles. Argonauts. Canaan's curse. Kelts are Canaanite and Israelite.
Tuatha de Danaan. Milesians or Scots. Jeremiah and Zedekiah's daughters.
David's Throne perpetual. Cities of the Medes. Scuths cross the Araxes.
Parthians and Afgans both Israelite. Getae and Zal-moxis. Gravestones
in Crimea. Odin in Saxony. Anglo-Saxons were not Germans. Benjamin lent
to Judah. Escape to become Normans of 1066.......................................................$23.40
Verse by Verse
-- From Genesis To Malachi by W.M.H. Milner, 1901, 185pp.
examination of the Old Testament scriptures bearing on the discovery of
the British-Israel message. Very rare book........................................................$27.75.
Origin and Progress of the Scythians or Goths by John Pinkerton, 1814,
Scythian, Getae and Goth all one people. From Asia not Scandinavia. Germans
were Scythae. Much more.........................................................................$37.05.
The British Empire by W.A. Holme Twentyman, 1903, 277pp.
Ten Tribes arrive in British Isles. A Nation Forever. Multitudinousness.
Colonizing People. Racial Superiority? The Gates. World-Wide creditor. A
nation and a company of nations. Ephraim and Manasseh. The Scepter. The
lion and unicorn. Naval supremacy. Not defeated. Seamanship. Canaanite pricks
and thorns. A great and righteous nation. Head and not tail. A fruitful
nation. Place too Strait. Naturalization. Abundance of the sea. World-wide
dominion. Israel redeemed. Ark of the covenant. Representative government.
The franchise. Princess Tephi. Missionary people. Strong nation. Kingless.
A little sanctuary. Our King's sepulchres. An island people. Geographical
position. Language Physiognomy. New name. Stone of Witness. Opposition to
slavery. Christ's kingdom forming........................$41.55
Divine Time Measures by J. Bernard Nicklin, 1933, 206 pp.
Many diagrams. 7000 The week of human history. 2520 Seven times. 2300 Sanctuary
cycle. 1890 Pregnancy. 1335, 1290, 1260 Mohammedanism. 1260 Papacy. 1260
Two witnesses. 1260 Woman in the wilderness. 1040 Daniel cycle. 1000 Millenium
day. 840 Seven times. 666 Number of beast. 630 Quarter of the seven times.
490 Seventy weeks. 400 Bondage. 396.333 Turks. 390 Israel. 360 A time. 286
Displacement. 270 Pregnancy. 153 Elect. 120 Final warning. 70 Captivity.
65 Ephraim. 40 Judah. 20 Jacob's trouble. Etcetera. Many fulfillments in
past history...............................................................................................................$30.90.
The New World Coming by Henry D. Houghton, 1930, 208pp.
The Abrahamic covenant. Eight corruptible witnesses. Times of the Gentiles.
Unveiling Israel. Punishment of wicked nations. Evidence from Psalm 46,
Isaiah and Hoel. Esdras. Israel redeemed. Who are the elect? Overthrow of
the Antichrist. The Millenium..............................................................................................$31.20
Strong Reasons by F.K.T., 1941, 148pp.
Is there a chosen race and which is it? British Empire the subject of prophecy.
Differences between Israel and Judah. The Covenant promises to Abraham fulfilled
in the Anglo-Saxons. The blessings of Jacob and Moses. Balaam's prophecy
of isolation for Britain. Perpetual throne of David. Britain and America
-- Ephraim and Manasseh. Captivity -- the 27,280 fallacy. From Assyria to
Britain. Trojans, Spartans, Danites and Celts take Mediterranean route to
Britain. Are we Japhetic? Shouldn't we have Jewish features? Are we akin
to Germans? A mixed race? .....................................................................................................................$22.20
Introduction To Genesis by C.F. Parker, 1936, 128pp.
A commentary on the book of Genesis concluding with chapter 10: the generations
of Noah, from a British-Israel perspective.................................................$19.20.
Balaam and Britain by I. Henry Clyde, 1946, 95pp.
Balak and Balaam. The first, second, third and fourth prophecies. Conclusion....................................................................................................................$14.25.
The Battle Axe of Jehovah by Charles H. Porter, 1928, 224pp.
Israel's Saxon history. Predictions concerning Ephraim. Lion and Unicorn.
Stone of Scone. A Multitude of nations. British rule in India. What England
has done for Egypt. The British Empire. Irish question. Racial differences.
Ancient peoples of the British Isles. Anglo-Israel traits.............................................................$33.60.
Ye Are My Witnesses by E.F. Waddington, 1932, 195pp.
The witness of Jesus Christ. The witness of the Jew. Contrast between Israel
and Judah. Israel is the Stone Kingdom. Anglo- Saxons are Israel. Much more.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................$29.25.
God's Education of the Anglo-Saxon-lsrael Race by A.J. Ferris, 1936,
Many maps and pictures. Abrahamic Covenant Promises. Mosaic Covenant conditions.
Seven times punishment or 2520 years. Four Gentile empires. The fifth stone
kingdom is Israel-Britain. Manasseh's independence foretold. Joseph's life
paralleled by his descendants. The seals. Judah rejects Christ. Israel redeemed
by Christ under New Covenant. Union Jack symbolism. What does it matter
if we are Israel? .............................................................................................................$12.00
Palestine For Jew or Arab? by A.J. Ferris, 1946, 61pp.
Maps and charts.
Dimensions of the land and to whom it was promised. Possession and/or
loss under Old Testament; under New Testament; True heirs revealed in
1917. Practical suggestions. ..........................................................................................................................................................................................$9.15
The Great Pyramid
by A.J. Ferris, 1934, 80pp.
charts, diagrams and illustrations. A simple explanation of the Bible
message to the Anglo-Saxon people found in the Great Pyramid............................$12.00
and His Ten Kingdoms by Albert Close, 1944, 228pp.
detailed explanatory drawings and pictures. Book of Revelation written
in symbols; Church of Rome is the Anti-Christ and adopts Babylonian rites;
Return of Jews to Palestine; Drying up of Turkey; Cause of Ireland's Sorrows;
Rome is the Enemy of the British Empire; The meaning of 666; Fulfillments
of Prophecy; Rise and Fall of Mussolini; Much more also...........................................................................................................................................................................$34.20
The Divine Programme of the World's History by Albert Close,
1916, 224pp.
Many maps and
illustrations. 2500 years of Gentile History. Roman Catholicism originated
in ancient Babylon. Covenanters of Scotland. Pilgrim Fathers land in 1620
A.D. Turkish Empire dries up. Napoleon and Wellington. German Rationalism.
The Pope claims to be Jesus Christ. Much much more..................................$33.60.
Rome's Attack On
The British Empire and the United States of America by Albert Close, 1938?,
detailed explanatory drawings and pictures. Rome's fight for the throne
of Britain 1534 to 1930 A.D. from a scholarly Biblical viewpoint........................$19.80.
Links in the Chain of Evidence Connecting Israel and England by J. Leyland
Feilden, 1876, 114pp.
Salvation promised to Adam's Race; "The Sons of God"; Shem, Ham and Japheth;
the Promises to their Descendants; Royal Line With Judah; Ham in Egypt;
Amalekite Kings of Egypt; Pharaohs of Joseph and Moses; Esau and Jacob;
the Events it foreshadowed; Isaac's Prophecy; Jacob's Vow, Stone and Children;
Judah's Scepter in Britain; Judah Befriends Joseph Who Typifies Christ;
Birth of Pharez and Zarah; Baal and Judah Contemporary if not Identical;
Golden Calk; Expulsion of Zerah; Jupiter; Scytha Son of Jupiter; Feniusa
Farsa; Hebrew the Original Language; His Schools; He Returns to Scythia;
Scythia's Connection to Israel; Israel in Britain; Niul or Cecrops Returns
to Egypt; Gadelas and Moses; The Meaning of Gentile; The Prediction of Moses;
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